Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

that was just a bad play since I didnt know that scorned cant have pally as target

Didn’t eevee and ici do that



Broader definition

Doing it when it doesn’t make sense to

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I used reflect on d3 and d4 because of the Eichenwalde dayvig and fear for Marl’s ult respectively

So you were VI, that happens. /shrug

I mean, tbf, it usually fits Eevees Town AI. Ici pulling that off was interesting to say the least.

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Me watching that chat was awesome

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Geyde was out of deflects.


Actualy it was to test our Lucio, but Ici fucked up own game in proggress.
Aka instead of hitting ping-pong back, he replied weirdly.

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I wonder if Eevee gets dayvigged if he’s the one that dies?

That was a misplay of mine to do that.

Sam would basically be the first player to get a dayvig d6 and then he could shoot either Captain or Geyde and the other one would be quicklynched as it’d be a 2v1. Plus, scum knew that Geyde was a deflector as they role-copped him.

I mean it was nice, I thought it was obivous when he say they would buss him lol

If Ici dies instead*

It was a pretty fun interaction to witness non the less.

Additionally, he also used his night actions and his passive was disabled. Geyde was pretty much a VT at this point.

what is VT

tl;dr - there was no real scenario where town could have pulled this off after Maxi got himself modkilled.

Not that much, if Ici was online, maybe.

We would come to agreement and work out night plan, since I was a cop with bulletproof and he was a doc.

But we didn’t.
That was sad.

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