Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Then me

you both have good ultimates but my ultimate is so weak feels bad:(((

Doomfist ultimate: You jump to the sky, joining whichever FM is above this. After 1 day you come down and kill everyone.

Only thing that stops it: Fool’s Hide

it redirects attack back into attacker

I really wanna charge my ult as well but it’s not as important as seeing what Marls and FK are first :eyes:

Wait. Can’t we just say I’m not X over and over till it’s obvious we are x without saying

you can join mountainous with that ult and use your abilities there

I’m not X over and over till it’s obvious we are x without saying
said it


It’s fucking worth the 4500 charge though

Sounds like it
/charge Marl

Wait what

Mines 2800 and innocent child is worse then mine

That’s a large charge boi

Mine isn’t just innocent child

So wait

Is everyone’s charges different then?

It’s innocent child for MULTIPLE PEOPLE

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If you can confirm me and basically make me not a Miller anymore I think it’s worth it

i have no idea if a miller would affect it but let’s find out