Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Except there he wasn’t actuallly paying attention to his supposed fake claim, here he had two days to stare at it.

As well It says your faction

Oh boy

Right. Which is why I don’t think scum Marcus tries to fake a townslip. He would have had two days to talk with partners. I am thinking Marcus is town here.

And how do you know that is or is not in everyone’s passive?

But how would he have not noticed his card in two days saying that

Cause the OP


Right here

What specifically in the OP Kitten?

I literally looked at mine like 1-2 hours before go

Math stop being stupid

Cmon y’all not all at once :frowning:

Still haven’t answered my question Kitten what makes my faction obvious?

And yeah I don’t see Marcus scum for that.

Hey, be nice still pls

Admin abuse

I did the class card tells you your faction


Interesting. So you’re saying you used an ability to determine my faction?

My class card says

Overwatch Miller (insert words here)

It’s obvious

What I said in your class card it tells you what you are.

Marcus had two days to stare at his card

Yes my faction is overwatch I am asking how you know that?

it was said in a friendly way