Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Luxy blue wouldn’t have seen that IMO

You do realize the current map means that Scum can use their night!strongman abilities with no cost right?

IF they have one that is

Uh huh sure

My alt mod confirms all the mafia /sarcasm

Hey, get 3 more people to vote for me and you’ll be a good boi on my list

That’s why we think it was faked.

You are?

But like


Guys my ultimate literally WINS THE GAME FOR OVERWATCH just trust me and vote me haha

What if I got 21 people during D3?

What eevee is is claiming would be worth using that on in the early-game

Impossible and I’d probably be dead by then

20 final offer and mercy will revive you

If this is true then that’s legit anti-fun for mafia. I heavily doubt Alice would put that in game.
I think you’re mafia making a gambit to get a strong ult and then suicide.

Hm fine

Takes a lot of organization and luck to not die before gathering it, but… Instawipping half of mafia is… Lol.

Uh huh I am gonna do something fun

Let me know when the guys stop measuring their man bits the girls stop comparing their shit and the enbies quit saying how enbie they are and we play mafia.

Is it reliable and how does it work

Honestly it sounds so op

Inb4 Eevee’s Ult is smth that explodes people

Eevee is lying IMO

I don’t think that it would be put into the game-it wouldn’t make it very fun.