Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Bless :pray:


That also means don’t slip that we have a forum chat otherwise I’m fucked

Technically both you and Geyde are the only players so far without a Discord account. If either of you roll Talon then I’ll allow you to use the DMs instead of the Discord.

what about defaulting to the forums so that no one ever slips? It’s much easier to go back and forth between main and scum chat that way in my opinion

The Talon Discord will also be used to decide the d1 Map and also for the claim vig(s) to ask if a specific post would count for their attack or not. It’d be simpler to use but if either Geyde or Luxy rolls those classes then I’ll make a separate DM for it instead. I don’t exactly want to create several DMs for too many things as it’d be too much clutter, really.

I see

alright then

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I honestly prefer discord
It’s easier not to slip for me on mobile and I can see a scum’s response through an alert as I am typing s response



Welcome to ze forum game world

should i try an fm again :thinking:








just that I was expecting a /in

ah sorry
i just like spicing up my “/in”’'s with a little bot of “/out” action, naw sayin?


So are you in or out?

Can I join even not playing Overwatch once?

Can you press reply and type random words? If so then yes.

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then /join
please RNGod don’t make me get an evil class again

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