Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Actually, there may be a few cases where that statement is incorrect

Yes daddy :weary: :sweat_drops:

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how much do you want it

That is if that 9k ult charge is bullshit
I dont know man

Lemme look through the maps please

More daddy :sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

Yeah I’m not charging you up if you’re going to be


But in all seriousness is it actually beneficial for us?

Yes I’ve literally said this 15+ times

I just realised my abilities are kinda bad so shit

Mantra of Mafia:

One must be prepared to repeat their statement many a times to reinforce their point

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So one of my mains has crap abilities here? Not gonna lie, that made me die a little inside ;-;

That was if I’m tracer

/charge Shurian

Cheers, love! The cavalry is here!


Not like that :^)

Nobody wants me.

pats Shurian Don’t worry, the best character will get more love soon

Shurian: my ult is useless
Marl, who is talon: ooh yes