Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Proceeds to have 17% Accuracy with Tracer with 3 eliminations.

4 Gold Medals TriggereD.

Me, who’s ult is actually good: pls charge
Marl: no



My ult is better than your ult, pleb

X doubt

Mine is better and cheaper

Looks at 44% accuracy Well, you’re trying

You don’t even comprehend the complexities of my ultimate

You can’t beat my 60% accuracy of McCree tho!

It doesn’t matter

Mine is literally better in every way

Cough should be pretty obvious why cough

I have 100% accuracy on symettra

Sym needs to aim now if you dont know

I don’t even know what yours is but i dont care

no i didn’t know that

Oh shit bows M’lady

Blame my shit tracking and god flicking.

wouldn’t it be m’lad

Gosh darn it Marl
I should be the one M’ladying thx for reminding

Just watch me get gold eliminations as Torbjorn and you’ll see that I’m a Torb main trapped inside a Tracer/D.VA main’s body

Marl, you need to be more cultured in the Overwatch culture

I play Genji
That’s all that needs said