Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

We need to make a push for Busan

It’s objectively the best choice. It gives ulti charge to everyone

Yes because we want the mafia getting charged

We would have to make sure Talon isn’t good at rhyming and haikus which would be pretty hard to do

I just read up on my own ultimate
Holy shit nah I’m good haha

/Map Oasis

Still lemme go through.

On Busan, EoD gives 1200 ult charges.

Given that the average ult costs somewhere around 3000, that makes up about 2/5 of it.

Since we have 28 players remaining, the charge gained from votes is around 100. The person with the max number of votes has it at 4, so 400. 3/5.

The 30 per night is negligible alongside the 40 for charge and 40 per vote.

This won’t give evils acceleration, it will only help trusted people to get there quicker.

Pray thee tell
Would one want

To talketh like
A horse
On steroids for
The whole match?

Have some liberation


With some frustration
The crafty will always win
Such is concluded

I do love me some haiku
/vote Busan

??? Anyone know why I am not on the ultimate receiver list?

You all are insane

Have you not learnt from the profanity post restriction that Insanity imposed on me before?

My ultimate is better, just trust me

No one else needs to be voted

In regards to ulti-charge, it seems that if all people don’t converge onto one vote, it doesn’t really get anywhere.

If we ever run something like this again, probably bump the numbers for vote charges up a bit

/map Eochenwalde

??? :frowning: I think scum don’t like me :frowning:

@Kirefitten get on

Again no

Again, actually yes

Yay initiating ignore Maximus protocols til he gives reads or talks about something not his damn alt.