Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Okay here’s my notes so far this game:

This isn’t the only one of this kind of post in the thread but I really don’t like it when somebody points out an issue and doesn’t try to solve the miscommunication.

There was an obscene amount of posts trying to read into WIFOM on Marcus’s maybe slip and those get nobody anywhere. Maybe reactions to it matter if he flips but it’s just a guessing game and not worth out time until that occurs. There is actual stuff to read him on more recently and I’d lean town on the way he’s AtE-ing but certain posts from him like that Firekitten vote I super dislike.
There was a lot of posts on the voting Marl plan but no conclusive action was reached and then it was kinda dropped so I’d like it brought up again because it seemed like the best idea we had so far besides maybe eevee. Like everybody is suddenly saying “charge the tomorrow” but I don’t get why smh. (I also kinda refuse to believe everybody has such good ultimate for such cheap costs).
There’s been some “what role would xyz hero have?” and I feel like that should just stop because that discussion won’t help town win but could give scum an idea on who they’re up against and FoS on anybody participating in it up to this point.

When I’m pretty sure he means the map scum just chose, something seems a bit…iffy.

And this post just reads as “can my scumteam get claim data?”
He’s also claiming an ult more OP than “kill half the mafia” for only 2500, which is not something I buy at all along with softing something like dayvig.
Luxy-Maximus connection happened early and I want to keep it in mind.
/vote eevee because I’d like half the scum dying tyvm.

I feel like MathBlade has been mindmelding a good deal of the “don’t claim; give reads” stuff so they’re my largest townread for now.

Is Geyde new to playing mafia in general? Because they don’t look like any new player I’ve ever seen and I have absolutely no idea how to go about reading them if they are.


new fone who dis

That’s me lol sorry for the wall. 1200 posts catching up smh.

I haven’t read a single thing ahahahahah


Uh the image is broken for me…

Probably time for me to just stick it up at 1900 posts and then read everything and go fake some reads analyse the deep ends of the reading reads.

Bad img. Please fix or banhammer.

It’s not an image it’s a voice line

That is not a voice line… when played from mobile.

it says

“I like you. I’d hate to kill you.”

Darn you mobile version

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"You seem nice. I’ll hate to kill you."

Wow thanks.

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I have officially fluffed a whole bunch holy gosh (80 posts)

Either way good first post
Great moves, keep it up :^)

No bad. Modkill worthy.

You’re welcome for pocketing me already. <3
I also totally posted like twice in the very beginning of the game so technically you’re wrong. :UU


Yeah but posts that i dont read didn’t happen from my point of view :smile:

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holy post