Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

/join if not already in


Yay! Just one more and we’ll be sailing from here


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dangit eevee you already /in’d

We starting?


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@Alice We have enough players :smiley:


Pretty sure it’s 26 atm

Wazza and Soul just joined, so that makes it 28

and Eevee and Blue

Eevee in’ed twice as a meme

I’d already joined, so did eevee. That’s what I was commenting on.

oh so then we are at full

Soul is the 28th


@Alice time to do a proud Mary

Click this

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I joined so I can watch overwatch characters die

thing is thot, heroes never die

Btw since this is based on overwatch does that mean scum will respawn after being lynched? :thinking:

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They’ll respawn in Junkertown ;3

I wasn’t joking about second in tho… i was gonna bring someone from other site, lul.