Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

why not

Because of what I said before Eevee is confirmed town. Because of the map thing. Furthermore you wouldn’t claim something like that the way you did because of the threat of claim vigs.

You’d let scum try to lynch you or be NK’d and out your “guilty” there. It’s in quotes as I don’t believe it

I already claimed from beggining since I didnt know game mechanics so it doesnt change anything

Lol no you didn’t claim at day open imho you are trolling. For supposedly being uninformed you are making some really informed posts

It’s more about he went into insta-denial after someone called out a townslip.

Hence why I pressured him in the first place.

“That was a joke, lol” doesn’t really explains it, since post seemed rather serious.

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why would I otherwise say that I have mechanical info on eevee since if he flips town you will know I lied

Because you don’t want confirmed town and you didn’t wait very long after I confirmed Eevee. In other words you didn’t wait for the reactions you were supposedly seeking.


also eevee are you ok with being lynched tommorow after I flip town today and everyone will know that my results were right

Here you are looking for reactions. But you didn’t wait for them instead you said Eevee is “not town due to mechanical info”.

The only way that happens is Eevee lost wolf and you instead hop to if Eevee flips town.

You told me earlier to “not rely on mechanics to read people” yet you are reading eevee as town because of what you think is “mod confirmation”? I’m pretty sure if either eevee or mathblade flipped scum the other would flip scum as well.

Why not just tell why I’m wolf rn. If you hope for 1 for 1, it’s better to make it 1 for 0 after all.

That reaction HAS to be 100% natural. So then Eevee is not in scum chat and my argument about Eevee as scum what Eevee would do so eevee ks town. I have 0 interest in lynching them

I have redcheck on you

n0 redcheck? Lol.

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its a day ability

Lol I am not relying on mechanics. I am using what is right in front of me. Huge difference.

I have day ability that can check persons aligment

Let’s assume you’re town for a moment and you have a red check on eeevee.

You claimed cop. You honestly think any result from that would be accurate?

I trust what reactions happened here over your dubious claim any day of the week.

Hey guys, can y’all give me your charge? I’ll put my pretty frickin awesome ultimate when I get full charged