Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

I gotta rereadddd 2000 postssssss

it’s possible that FK is actually a town, and just trying to warn us that they’re miller. why are you voting them up?

There’s no belief required you admitted it


You’ll die

This is why I’m voting sam




Gets popcorn


You admitted in echoes that you purposely did not lynch a scum check because you would prefer to be converted, which is gamethrowing


“b-b-but that game was scumsided I had no choice” incoming


I wanted to be converted, but I didn’t do anything that would have let me have a higher chance of being converted ;-;

I mean, I admit. I kiiiiiinga gamethrowed once, 5 years ago, on real mafia at Poznań.

I was town who when attacked, switches sides to mafia.
I also was a doctor.

In 4 vs 3 situation, after town was very stupid and didn’t want to lynch a mafia wich I tried to get lynched for 3 days straight, so I gave up and claimed, so mafia could attack me and get mayority.

They attacked the person I was healing anyway and ended up losing cause of their own stupidity.

I mean, both sides were purely terrible that game, but I asked to join mafia there, okay?

I did not have scum check on anyone to begin with.
I had royalty check.

You can’t say I gamethrowed there, just missread them. That happens, you know?

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Literally said you were asking for a convert. You gonna walk that back now and admit you’re bad or what?

The fact that people think eevee game threw harder then Celeste does every game

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How does that relate to this game that has no conversions?

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You don’t get the sarcasm in the post above?

I didn’t really ask for conversion, it was just that bad play outing there, that it made them convert me.

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Nothing below the belt. It’s rood af.

In general, like everyone

Yeah just don’t give eevee charge