Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5


It’s not that he wouldn’t notice. It’s like trying to pretend to make a mistake and get towncredit for it.

The thing he wouldn’t have noticed is which group is Overwatch and which group is Talon.

/charge self

Yes /pats Margaret

but be serious during map/charging ty


/charge hjasik I have cool tracker ability if you give me ultimate

I don’t think you can charge yourselves.

Did you just challenge me

boy you are not allowed to meme

Guys we need to focus on the collective and not actively claim and find the people who are scum hunting. There’s an anticlaim mechanic here people. Focus on the hunt and hitting the bullseye. Not trying to make ourselves better but making the group better.

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STAHP Claiming ppl k thx bye

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I’m just saiyan’.

/charge luxy
/vote eichenwalde

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why wasnt I informed that there is anticlaim mechanic I literally claimed already

Why would you vote to charge someone who hasn’t posted yet?

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Next person to post is confirmed scum.

It’s in the first post dude.

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We need the mislynch of tomorrow to be able to try and kill someone

/charge FK

I’m curious about the ult FK has :eyes:

10/10 lolreactiontest

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