Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Is it wise for a no lynch here now?

Alright prepare for a wallpost I had copied

@Alice is the day timer reset? Or are we still on limited time?

n o

I’m tempted to vote Celeste out incase they have any More uses, I hate Celeste right now.

Celeste, legit disappointed with you


Since this is an EoD Plurality Lynch map, in 16 and a half hours either Luxy or Celeste will be lynched.

So this becomes a question of if Mercy scum or some ice person scum or who if both town we can afford to lose if both town since can’t no lynch.

I was being careful not to attract the attention of the mafia

Kill Celeste, I can revive her if she’s important.

Celeste why u do this

I’m 100% voting out Celeste here

/Vote Celeste

Game throwers out

I have unlimited revives provided I hammer scum.


I dont know man evil resurrector could be in play but ehhh
/vote Celeste
No ifs. If good only Celeste.

Don’t vote Margaret he is best boi here

Necromancer is bastard

Everytime I hammer scum I get another use of revive

Celeste needs to die, they literally may have more uses to that and I hate her RN