Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Anyone voting Celeste will receive a MathBlade death stare. You don’t want my death stare.

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Gamerpoke you have no cred to accuse somebody for inactivity

/Vote umm no one

Actually I post just people ignore it

/vote Celeste

Just to make sure

Sam normally bashes me on being inactive EEE

Oh yeah I’ll probably die tonight so rip

F in the chat in that case

Why do you think you’re dying tonight tho

Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

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That is supposed to go to math

Ok, I’ll also tell math that?

@MathBlade Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

I probably will die tonight now


No one vote above you relax brother


I am aware of that. I am pretty much hoping that I pour enough wine my plan works. I am aware of what you’re saying but if I fail then Luxy dies.

Quick! Before the day ends. I need more DD quotes

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What does DD stand for?


Darkest Dungeon

Still doesn’t help

My curated but incomplete list

Naming screen:
More arrive, foolishly seeking fortune in this domain of the damned.

Começo do jogo:
Welcome home such as it is. This squalid hamlet, these corrupted lands, they are yours now and you are bound to them
This sprawling estate, a Mecca of madness and morbidity. Your work begins…

Alguém entra em trial:
Dispatch this thug in brutal fashion, that all may hear of your arrival!

Comentam sobre investigar:
Leave nothing unchecked, there is much to be found in forgotten places.
The great Ruins belong to us, and we will find whatever secrets they hold.
Every cleared path and charted route reduces the isolation of our troubled estate.
Secrets and wonders can be found in the most tenebrous corners of this place.

Will de Scorned:
Alone in the woods or tunnels, survival is the same. Prepare, persist, and overcome.

Depois de executarem evil:
Make no mistake, we will face ever greater threats. Our soldiers must be ready.
Regroup. Reassemble. Evil is timeless, after all.
A moment of respite. A chance to steel oneself against the coming horrors.

Começam a acusar:
There is a great horror beneath the manor: a Crawling Chaos that must be destroyed!
Corruption has soaked the soil, sapping all good life from these groves - let us burn out this evil.

Curiosity, interest, and obsession — mile markers on my road to damnation.
The wild whispers of heresy roused the rabble to violent action.
Our land is remote and unneighbored. Every lost resource must be recovered.

Darkness closes in, haunting the hearts of men.
And now… the darkness holds dominion – black as death.
The darkness holds much worse than mere trickery and bogeymen.

Great heroes can be found even here, in the mud and rain.
Great adversity has a beauty - it is the fire that tempers the blade.

Alguém morre:
Some may fall, but their knowledge lives on.
Those without the stomach for this place must move on.
Can the defiled be consecrated? Can the fallen find rest?
Its destruction is a small consolation, given the implications of its terrible existence.
A lifetime of pious toil, an eternity of suffering.
It will live again in another time, another place.

Alguém importante morre:
A setback, but not the end of things.
We fall so that we may learn to pick ourselves up once again.
You will endure this loss, and learn from it.
Do not ruminate on this fleeting failure - the campaign is long, and victory will come.

MUITAS mortes:
What better laboratory than the blood-soaked battlefield?
Those without the stomach for this place must move on.
Disinfection, at last.
Packs full of steel and war, but nary of thought given to the plow.

Clima tenso com acusações:
A little hope, however desperate, is never without worth.
Excise the fungal tumors and the land may yet live.

Antes do jogo terminar:
As the light gains purchase, spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear.

Um inocente é executado:
Wounds to be tended; lessons to be learned.
A setback, but not the end of things.
Failure tests the mettle of heart, brain, and body.
You will endure this loss, and learn from it.
We fall so that we may learn to pick ourselves up once again.
Do not ruminate on this fleeting failure - the campaign is long, and victory will come.
Ignorance of your enemy and of yourself will invariably lead to defeat.
Carelessness will find no clemency in this place!
Mind that such missteps are the exception, and not the rule.

Cult morto:
Gilded icons and dogmatic rituals… for some, a tonic against the bloodshed.
A man in a robe, claiming communion with the divine. Madness.
More bones returned to rest. Devils remanded to their abyss.
Ha ha ha! Let those dirty beasts worship the mud now!
Disinfection, at last.
The wood is still poisoned. The way is still blocked. But less people will be eaten.
Their squeals fade, their confidence is shaken!

There is method in the wild corruption here. It bears a form both wretched and malevolent.

Knight protect:
In the end, every plan relies upon a strong arm, and tempered steel.
A sharper sword, a stronger shield. Anything to prolong a soldier’s life.

Muito whisper:
The wild whispers of heresy roused the rabble to violent action.

Alguém morre com blank:
This one has become vestigial, useless

Converted morre/executado:
Suffer not the lame horse… nor the broken man.
Another soul battered and broken, cast aside like a spent torch.
Disinfection, at last.
The sparkling eyes of youth - twisted and made merciless!

Clima tenso:
Success depends on survival.
Excise the fungal tumors and the land may yet live.
Circled in the dark, the battle may yet be won.
Watch your step.

CL morrE:
Leave her corpse to rot, consumed by the spores she spawned.
Ha ha ha! Let those dirty beasts worship the mud now!
Finally, a sailor’s death for captain and crew. Fitting.
The aquatic devils have remade the poor girl in their image! She is their queen, and their slave!

Assa morre:
Finally, a sailor’s death for captain and crew. Fitting.

Alguém é executado:
It is done. Turn yourself now to the conditions of those poor devils who remain.

Paladin smite:
Idol, amulet, or lucky charm — the simplest object can be a talisman against evil.
A mighty sword-hand anchored by a holy purpose. A zealous warrior.
This day belongs to the Light!
The Abbot will be grateful - the trappings of his faith have been restored.

Mystic link:
The front line of this war is not in the dungeon, but rather, inside the mind.

Suspeito de alguém:
Tortured and reclusive… this man is more dangerous than he seems…

Invest outado:
She searches where others will not go… and sees what others will not see.

Mercenary outado:
The thrill of the hunt… The promise of payment…
A sister of battle. Pious and unrelenting
A champion markswoman keen for a new kind of challenge: Proving she’s not the NK or Sellsword.

Paladin outado:
A mighty sword-hand anchored by a holy purpose. A zealous warrior.
There is power in symbols. Collect the scattered scraps of faith and give comfort to the masses.
This day belongs to the Light!
The Abbot will be grateful - the trappings of his faith have been restored.
Some experiments should have never happened. You are doing just work, ending them.
The light, the promise of safety!

Tf em Paladin:
A man in a robe, claiming communion with the divine. Madness.

Assassin outado:
Elusive, evasive, persistent. Righteous traits for a rogue.

Hunter outado:
A lawman and his faithful beast. A bond forged by battle and bloodshed.

Alguém wolfado:
A lawman and his faithful beast. A bond forged by battle and bloodshed.

Morte por hunter:
A lawman and his faithful beast. A bond forged by battle and bloodshed.

Gathered close in tenuous firelight, and uneasy companionship.

Alguém é executado rindo:
He will be laughing still… at the end.
Twisted and maniacal - a slathering testament to the powers of corruption!

It is a travesty - a blundering mountain of hatred and rage.

Fool executado:
He will be laughing still… at the end.

Phys executad:
As time wore on, her wild policy of self-experimentation grew intolerable. She quaffed all manner of strange fungii, herbs and concoctions, intent on gaining some insight into the horror we both knew to be growing beneath us. The change in her was appalling, and, no longer able to stomach it, I sent her to live in the Weald, where her wildness would be welcomed.

Fool outado:
This man understands that adversity and existence are one and the same.
Ha! The poor fool still stands, battered and broken as his precious mill.

Observer outado:
The raw strength of youth may be spent, but his eyes hold the secrets of a hundred campaigns.

Observer peek:
The raw strength of youth may be spent, but his eyes hold the secrets of a hundred campaigns.

Prince outado:
The raw strength of youth may be spent, but his eyes hold the secrets of a hundred campaigns.

Princess outada:
A champion markswoman keen for a new kind of challenge: Proving she’s not the Mastermind.

Phys outado:
Her knowledge of horticulturalism, and its role in various arcane practices impressed me greatly. My licentious impulse gave way to a genuine, professional respect, and together, we began to plant, harvest, and brew.
These medicines will prevent the outbreak of epidemic at our struggling Hamlet.
These tonics and herbs will stave off infection and neutralize contagion.

“Protect x”
Send this one to journey elsewhere, for we have need of sterner stock.

Trial como assa/NK:
Finally, resigned to his uncommon corporeal resilience, I lured him to the dig. There, I showed him the Thing, and detailed the full extent of my plans. Triumphantly, I watched as he tore his eyes from their sockets, and ran shrieking into the shadows - wailing maniacally that the end was upon us all.

Trial como Cult Leader:
Eager to end the tiresome domestic distraction, I instructed my newly formed militia of hardened bandits, brigands and killers to go forth and do their work. Compliance and order were restored, and the noisome population of the Hamlet was culled to more… manageable numbers.
The ways and rituals of blood sacrifice are difficult to master.
There is power in symbols. Collect the scattered scraps of faith and give comfort to the masses.

Final de trial como converted:
I knew all these paths once; now they are as twisted as my own ambitions.

How had he survived the stockades, the icy waters, and the knives I delivered so enthusiastically into his back? How had he returned time and time again to rouse the townsfolk with his wild speculations and prophecies?
In life, his claims to precognition were dubious at best, in death, they are ridiculous.

I had collected many rare and elusive volumes on ancient herbal properties, and was set to enjoy several weeks immersed in comfortable study. My work was interrupted, however, by a singularly striking young woman who insisted on repeated calls to the house.
These medicines will prevent the outbreak of epidemic at our struggling Hamlet.
These tonics and herbs will stave off infection and neutralize contagion.
Wounds to be tended; lessons to be learned.

Trial como Mastermind:
Simple folk are by their nature loquacious, and the denizens of the Hamlet were no exception. It was not long before rumors of my morbid genius and secretive excavations began to fuel local legend. In the face of my increasingly egregious flaunting of public taboos, awe turned to ire, and demonstrations were held in the town square.

Cult Leader will:
The ways and rituals of blood sacrifice are difficult to master.
Under the blood moon, I lured my wide-eyed prey to the pier’s edge.
There is power in symbols. Collect the scattered scraps of faith and give comfort to the masses.

Ritualist will:
The ways and rituals of blood sacrifice are difficult to master.

Paladin will:
There is power in symbols. Collect the scattered scraps of faith and give comfort to the masses.
This day belongs to the Light!
The Abbot will be grateful - the trappings of his faith have been restored.

King mistakes:
The Great Thing I had managed to bring through was brutish and stupid.
A setback, but not the end of things.

Executando EK:
The fiends must be driven back, and what better place to begin than the seat of our noble line?
Disinfection, at last.

Executando Royal claims:
The fiends must be driven back, and what better place to begin than the seat of our noble line?

“Kill x”
A devil walks these halls… only the mad or the desperate go in search of him.

“is converted”
They breed quickly down there in the dark, but perhaps we can slay them even faster.
The sparkling eyes of youth - twisted and made merciless!

General cult:
The thing is more terrible than I can describe - an incoherent jumble of organ, sinew and bone.
Driving out corruption is an endless battle, but one that must be fought.
The agents of pestilence will yet be driven from our woods!
Good fortune and hard work may yet arrest this plague.
A denizen of unconscionable alienage.
A shard of alien malignity!
A shuddering crystalline bulk!

General evil:
They are cursed to float forever, deep in the swirling blackness, far beyond the light’s reach.
Towering, fierce, terrible. Nightmare made material!
Squirming, contorting and ever-expanding…this horror must be unmade!

General unseen:
The darkness holds much worse than mere trickery and bogeymen.
Darkness closes in, haunting the hearts of men.
Huddled together, furtive and vulnerable. Rats in a maze.

Cult losing:
The poor devils, chained and drowning for eternity…
Ha ha ha! Let those dirty beasts worship the mud now!

Converted Princess/Mystic:
I always wondered what became of the unfortunate little waif…

Evil dies:
Did he foresee his own demise? I care not, so long as he remains dead.
Their squeals fade, their confidence is shaken!
The pungent odour abates! The things are driven back, for a time.
At last, wholesome marine life can flourish - if indeed there is such a thing.
Fitting, that he find his rest upon the dirt he harrowed to fruitlessly.
It could be dismissed as a fever dream, if not for the corpses.
The match is struck. A blazing star is born!
In radiance may we find victory.

Prince dies:
Without tools of iron, you must rely on flesh and indefatigable purpose.

Endgame com royal:
The Brigands are undone - our family crest is once again a symbol of strength!

Hideous matriarch, vile queen of the aphotic depths - she has no place in the sane world!

Reaper general:
As the ghoulish collection scatters, the rats prepare to feast.
The space between worlds is no place for mortal men.
A lurching composition of otherworldly death!
Born of the void, it dies in the Earth!
Banished in the void!

Inquisitor general:
A predator is often blind to its own peril.

General Butler/Drunk:
With enough ale, maybe they can be inured against the horrors below.
Strong drink, a game of chance, and companionship. The rush of life.

Unseen wins:
And now… the darkness holds dominion – black as death.

BD ALMOST losing:
A spark without kindling is a goal without hope.

Ambushed by foul invention!

trap backfires:
Curious is the trap-maker’s art… his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes.

Possessor general:
Gnawing hunger sets in, turning the body against itself, weakening the mind…

Poisoned general:
No force of will can overcome a failing body.


Maybe dankest dungeon