Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Theee nothing to quote.
It’s literally fluff

Time to buddy Gamer OwO

/map Watchpoint: Gibraltar

should I protect whoever gets the most ult charges? I don’t think it’ll save them from dying, but it would help.

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(just read through my abilities.)

Saving strongman immunity until the late game is preferential

Are maps one-use only?


Except if we don’t have any Town protectives left in end game, as well, we are ahead in terms of ratio:

I’m like 99% they used strongman on math

Firekitten, may you specify what you saw from my passive? Anything that caught your eye.

Thus we don’t need strongman immunity.

If no tp then strongman immunity is almost useless

My point is it’s better to use it WHEN we have it rather then later and force them to burn through our TP.

Also shurian wdym?

A line from my passive if you so read it

You never claimed your passive?

And also Im useless late game so I need to focus on the now

Oh. I misread what fk said. Oops.

Oy follow the scum plan you’re supposed to read passives.


Ohnoes I slipped jk

I’m confused

/map Lijiang Tower