Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

What’s your iso (if that’s the word) on Bluestorm?

I have them as null rn

I don’t do those

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I make sweeping accusations and justify my intuition with facts only to win over the hearts and minds of lesser non-10 dimensional beings

I think they probably tried

I haven’t given all the details of my ultimate yet

Intentionally for that exact reason

Pizza Time

bazinga plays 7D chess while we’re all playing 2D chess

There’s one other requirement that i didn’t state that i will state as soon as i recieve it

I hinted heavily at it yesterday when i said this role took inspiration from aafm

It doesnt say ultimate has to be true it only Says if someone said about their ultlmate


Well I’m reasonably sure Maxi’s ult gives other people ults and heals them probably.

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/charge Maximass

Well… sorry to break your bubble
I’ve asked and claim vigs of any kind require their skills to be true for a successful hit.

inb4 maximus is talon and his ultimate prevents other ultimates from being used for two days or something

/charge Firekitten

I too have my reasons.

I’m townreading maximus this game

very original of me

Then he wouldnt ask for ult since he will be lynched right away

/vote Hanamura as map

My burade is ready to be unreashed

I’m townreading myself this game