Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5


3/2 rn

oh no that isn’t my ulti i just love yelling brigitte’s ulti line

I was confused since Its My ulti lmao

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what’s it do

I mean, host reaction is what makes it unfakable, tho townslip is of my own.

Occupies And heals 3 Person

Wait it doesnt heal occupies And gives death immunity

I know it’s borderline, but it already happened sooooo… Noone is gonna just forget about it anyway.

Yeah, Hjasik claimed jailkeeper

Kinda useless

Literally already said that :^)

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You’re a strong class

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Wait if you are a jail keeper who did you jail last night?

Actualy one of strongest standard mafia roles

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He’s also the best girl

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Also is the hamster robot thingy in this game @Alice?

Yeah unlike me >_>

Jailed Marl
