Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Its Ok I think youre townie here anyway

Hjaisk just did a 360 wow.

So he’s still facing the same way?

Shouldn’t it be a 180?


Math is hard ok.

No, he’s dead.


If there’s two mafia revealed I’m shooting one of them and we lynch the other.

If one is revealed I’ll just shoot someone else and we lynch them.

I wouldnt be So sure reveal will happen in ur case

Except it isn’t affected by millers

But Marl can still be talon

Public reveals of alignments don’t tend to be scum abilities.

Not like he can lie about his ulti

That’d be pretty ballsy to lie about something as confirmable as this

He gets to Use his ulti so depending on What it is it can end bad for us

@PoisonedSquid You realize I’m gonna keep occupying you every night till we solve it, right?

So let’s solve it.

I already told you I’m willing to have my alignment checked. That’s how we’re going to solve it

Once it shows I’m Overwatch, then you won’t have a reason to occupy me, unless you’re scum trying to get rid of someone useful

I’m most likely hiding anyway

Squid is town they would be much more aggressive and against this plan if they were scum imo.

Check someone else but keep checking me :wink:

Any estimatives on number of wolves?