Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Alright now that’s that. @bazingaboy
Fk and Marl interacted early game ,(looking at Marls ISO)
Mostly about his ultimate and asking for charges. They exchanged charges IIRC.

In general, Marl has been talking about his ult alot, along with Maxi.
He sorta dropped off interaction when fk revealed himself to be doomfist

Unfortunately, I believe he’s capable of anything. ANYTHING.
As I have stated previously, I am biased, but I cannot shake off this darned feeling that plagued me ever since he said MILLER.

(am i doing something yet ._.)

Wow exchanging charge as a scumteam who’d have guessed it

Hypothesis; the reason they haven’t killed Marl last night with their strongman is because they can’t. Therefore, the strongman kill is the full claim vig.

I think?!?

The reason they haven’t killed marl is because marl is inclusively part of they

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Yeah good thing I havent explicitly claimed out even though its obvious what I am if you ISO me.

Oh. Yeah I visited him.

And here’s where’s the funny part is.

I gave it to merc, @Mercenary explain

Mislynch “Marl” jokes intensify

by the way Shurian is probably village because of volume but their argument for why Firekitten is wolf is just “they claimed miller and I don’t like that” with absoloutely no reasoning behind it, but it’s not actively wolfy, just misguided village reasoning.

I checked blue and got NS.

Merc KNOWS im telling the truth on this because I gave it to him.

If you truly did read my posts, you should have been put off by 80% fluff. Go read them now.

Shurian, why the fuck are you trying to convince me that you’re wolf?

Well, it’s just that all the miller claims so far have flipped truly scum, so I can’t imagine a true miller class here.

Wolf can kill wolf yes

I totally am wolf 10/10

>I fakeclaimed miller one time
>millers don’t exist

Hypothesis 2:
Marl is scum and his ultimate can do fake reveals.

They can clear few people at once and scum is not scared of it, cause they meant to be revealed.

They didn’t have to kill Marl, cause Marl is mafia to begin with.

How likely it is? I would say 2/10, but meh… can happen I guess.

my problem is that framing modpeeks is arguably bastard
and also a shit thing to put into the game

I still have yet to see one that can change my mind
It just so happens that there is no way I can do firekitten, no way at all. I’m absolutely useless later.