Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Give you your ult. We aren’t going to be able to fully charge you since not everyone is voting you, if we give it to max max gives you your ult cheaper TODAY

how did you already forget what the map does
Only the top person charged gets charges
and the charges are doubled
meaning if i get charged, I GET MY ULTI

If you charge maximus
they get wasted

Pretty sure maxi’s ult protects marl from death

yeah but we literally need everyone in the game to vote you, which they won’t.

We need only 10 people or so to vote max

No you don’t FK
I only need to be the top person voted

I get ALL of the charges doubled if i’m the top

Marl, double all the charges you got, you can’t get double of 2800 if all the people don’t vote you

@Alice does the top person voted for charges receive double all the charge? Or just double what people voted for them to have?

Guys I was tagged but I can only be here for 10 minutes and as such don’t have time to read back what am I supposed to do?

Charge max

Welp okay then
/vote Maximus Prime
even though I’m still p sure giving Marl the ult immediately is the best idea assuming that’s still the plan.
See everybody tomorrow afternoon I’m so sorry for being so busy.

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Speaking of, I’ll be kinda busy tomorrow (which is day phase 2), but I’ll try to get on the forums as much as I can.

Not Alice here but second option

Did you at least vote for a map or charge anyone?
Because I will read you as 500% scum if you don’t
Why would you subcribe for a mafia game if you were going to be out since monday.

He replaced in

I know right, but he was replaced quite a time ago.

In either case you wont get all the charge you need because someone isnt online at all.

And also @Luxy lol super scummy list.
Explain how is that a scummy list while ISOing me.

Now I /charge Maximus

Why don’t you want Firekitten checked?