Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

that’s why i am fine with yoloing my day ability

cause no repercussions against scum and i can find out if fk is a deepwolf

6 votes now
3 more

Firekitten you’ve been caught once again

What do you have to say for yourself

@Kirefitten you didn’t vote marl yet

are you going to try and quickhammer him?

except that you reactioned test someone who is a lover, and was about to be checked by marl.
10/10 play get off the stage and let marl do his job

Except I literally did

i dont think you did vote me tho

Hold votes back for now

Talon can get quickhammer off easily here

i didn’t see it if you did

My day ability legitimately only allows OW members to ult

It has no effect against Talon

Wow that changes everything. Good job not letting marl know that so you could test his reaction if he didn’t get charge. Still not voting marl in case you are both scum though

My class totally isn’t broken

Then you would have no problem letting marl chsck me here.

Max stop BSing here
/vote marl incase I didn’t

7 votes
need 2 more

Sure, let’s let marl check you then

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I really hope marl is town tho

Also if I show up as overwatch I have permission to kill you right?

Who do we want checked other than Fk?

I want Ici & Cheesy

didn’t you literally just say your ulti only lets overwatch ulti

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I don’t want cheesy, cheesy is obviously Town