Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

PoisonedSquid has been eliminated by Eevee and themselves. PoisonedSquid was~

PoisonedSquid's Flip


“Science will reveal the truth.”

You are Moira, the Talon Charge Drainer!

Biotic Grasp (Passive) - Upon succesfully killing a player at night or hammering an Overwatch-aligned player, you and another Talon Member will gain 200 Ultimate Charges.
Biotic Orb (Night) - You will steal up to 600 Ultimate Charges from a player and pass them onto a Talon Member. - 3 uses.
Fade (Night) - Selects up to two Talon members and all visits will be prevented on them. - 1 uses.

Coalescence (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/1000 Charges
Activation Text - “Surrender to my will!” - Reply to your target.

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate to mark your targe, giving 400 Ultimate Charges to every Talon member that visits them and removing 400 Ultimate Charges to every Overwatch member that visits them as well.

PoisonedSquid's Logs

The diary of Moira O’Deorain
October 11th, 2018
Weeks ago while I was working in my laboratory, I was contacted by the leader of my organization. He said that there was a critical mission that required my assistance. With my healing and draining capabilities, I would be good support and offense. I happily agreed to the offer as it would help me to test out my experiments. Once I arrived in headquarters, I have sensed familiar and not so familiar faces. For a few hours, we discussed where we should first strike. We ended up setting our first phase in Dorado, it was not technologically advanced, but it had a joyous aesthetic.

October 13th, 2018
We have managed to gain some resources in Dorado, but at the price of Gabriel Reyes’ life. He was a fine subject to test on while we were in Blackwatch, so it was slightly difficult to accept his fate. Thanks to him, we have eliminated major threats to Talon. Hopefully, the mission will continue to run smoothly.

October 17th, 2018
Another comrade has fallen, but I feel no remorse this time. I barely knew anything about Tekhartha Zenyatta although the omnic was quite useful to us. Ms. Song has also died on the battlefield, but at the expense of three large targets: All of them were former coworkers at some point during my career. Although we had accomplished a lot, I ran into a bit of trouble. It appears someone must of sneaked into the headquarters and found my name present in the database. I’m afraid if I die, my work would be for nothing. The mission will fail if we keep dying like this. I need t-

Please send your night actions to me by this time the next day. The night has begun and it will end October 19, 2018 11:00 PM






This has nothing to do with sans, I promise

1 Like

quit night postin’ dumbo


The night phase will unfortunately have to be extended to 10 PM EST, in short, it’ll be 3 hours longer due to IRL circumstances.


A new day dawns, but overnight two players have been eliminated.

Eevee was found dead last night. They were~

Eevee's Flip

Soldier: 76

“We’re all soldiers now!”
You are the Overwatch Vigilante Cop!

Heavy Pulse Rifle (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member or kill them during the previous night, you will also occupy any player you check providing they return a Talon check tonight and you will gain an additional use of Helix Rockets.
Helix Rockets (Day) - If your target for the night has a Talon check, then you will also kill them. - 1 use.
Biotic Field (Day) - Sets a Biotic Field on a player, alerting you whenever they are visited by a Talon Member. If they are attacked by a Talon member later in the match then they will be healed and the field will dissipate. - 1 use.
Sprint (Night) - Informs you if a player is a Talon member. - Infinite uses.

Tactical Visor (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/3700 Charges
Activation Text - “I’ve got you in my sights.” - Reply to your target.

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will dayvig your target. If your target flips as a Talon Member then you can reply “Target rich environment.” to another and dayvig them as well. You can only get up to two repeats per ultimate use.

Eevee's Logs


N1 - Check Squid - Talon
N2 - Helix Rockets Icibalus

Ici claimed scum to me
Ici claimed scum to me
Ici claimed scum to me
Ici claimed scum to me

We were in neigborhoood with Ici and Merc. They can tell you more about what happened there.

Basicly Merc had VERY townie reaction, being panicked about 2 scums in neiborhood (I pretended I am lost wolf) and Ici outed to me they are a SCUM ROLE COP.

If Ici isn’t dead… probably someone protected them from my Helix Rockets.
Be REALLY on guard about it.

Also, other wolfs were apparently paranoid that I’m fpsing and that I am not a lost wolf (Hi).

Ici said it SHOULD be obvious by now who other wolfs are.
He called them “Shitheads”, “Paranoid for no reason”.

No idea if you can get anything from it.

Hjasik was found dead last night. They were~

Hjasik's Flip


“I will prove myself!”
You are the Overwatch Bulletproof Charging Jailkeeper, Redirector, and Roleblocker!

Rocket Flail (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member then you can choose a player outside their wagon to occupy tonight and you will also heal yourself.
Inspire (Passive) - While on a wagon, all players on it will gain an additional 200 Ultimate Charges by the EoD.
Repair Pack (Day) - Your target will be healed tonight but they will also be roleblocked, cannot be used consecutively on the same target. - Infinite uses.
Whip Shot (Night) - Redirects your target to another one. - 2 uses.
Barrier Shield (Night) - You will become immune to death tonight. - 2 uses.
Shield Bash (Night) - Occupies a target. - 3 uses.

Rally (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/3400 Charges
Activation Text - “Rally to Me!” - Quote up to 3 players

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate up to three players will be both immune to death at night and occupied.

Hjasik's Log

N1 jail marley N2 jail samz + shield


Now arriving in Rialto.

The effects for this map are the following -

  • Venetian Canals - Both the player with the highest and second highest number of players on their wagon will be lynched by the End of Day.

  • Barralotti’s Estate - Players with nobody on their wagon at the EoD will gain a bonus 400 Ultimate Charges.

The Third Day has begun.

The Day Phase I has begun and you may now select to charge a player besides yourself alongside a map for the second day and night cycle. The list of maps and their effects can be found in the original post.

The Day Phase I will end in 24 hours on October 21, 2018 2:40 AM

I was in a neighborhood with Eevee and Ici indeed. This is what happened.

Integral text

Asked Alice.

(I quoted a post from Ici on the public board)

What is crucial

Mafia thought their wolo wolf was a villa FPSing and Icibalus proceed to complain a lot of times about this.

“Don’t shoot merc or we’ll bus you”. It should be obvious who at least one of them is and quite frankly I’m realllyl fucking annoyed by this

Mafia distrusted Eevee so much they didn’t want to attack me in case they were doing a fancy play and trying to bait mafia to attack me as the target they, as bodyguard, were guarding (they were right).
I would say here who I am sure that is this third wolf, but it would create a breach to start a discussion over who they are instead of if we should get Icibalus or Eevee first.

TL;DR Ici is wolf seer

Ignore the last part, I wrote it over the night. I really thought Eevee was a lost wolf.

No wonder that bastard threw shade on me!
@Alice can you strike through the maps we have already picked please?

/accuse shurian

Charge Counter

Ultimate Receiver Giver Number Of Givers
None Bluestorm, Insanity, Noz_Bugz, ForeverReading2021, Sam17z, Bazingaboy, Icibalus, Shurian, GamerPoke, MaximusPrime, Soulshade55r, Marcus_Doodalee, Geyde, Queen_Alfa, CheeseyKnives, Mercenary, NinjaPenguin 16

Map Counter

Ultimate Receiver Giver Number Of Givers
None Bluestorm, Insanity, Noz_Bugz, ForeverReading2021, Sam17z, Bazingaboy, Icibalus, Shurian, GamerPoke, MaximusPrime, Soulshade55r, Marcus_Doodalee, Geyde, Queen_Alfa, CheeseyKnives, Mercenary, NinjaPenguin 16

aw fuck we have 24 hours before we can do anything this sucks

It’s charge phase my dude

/charge mercenary
/map eischenwalde

So let’s try and get all of Overwatches votes on both shurian and icibalus today.

Shurian did not vote squid last lynch phase

I agree that Shurian is sus af

Why both? We should discuss the better target and vote them

Because the map allows us to kill both