Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

But that map supports scum with both abilities. Scum also doesnt lose day ability charge

who the heck would pick volskaya


like we have so many options for maps
and then you say “for my day ability” which its con may outweigh its pro
arn’te there safer things we can pick rn?

are there?

Dude I never said I was good. And reading comprehension =/= playing well in the first place.

We can protect you tonight with Numbani stopping all kills. <3

Well even scourge of Numbani is better trade because everyone being healed for the night outweighs the offset of scum gaining double charged when we have progress and consensus townies such as Merc that we can charge

His claimed day ability is seer+advantages I’d definitely say its pro outweighs con.

Numbani’s effects would happen next night, not this one.

Eischenwalde is the best map because if we mislynch a possible overwatch then they can kill a talon read.

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And if we kill a Talon they will shoot us

I’ll take a 1 for 1 trade any day of the week

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dang his wolf theme y’all got

A cop with advantages?
Well if it’s limited use it’s gonna be good.
But 1 extra use of it exceeding potential scum ults?

I mean, i don’t know to what extent it is, but scum could gets ults which gamechange, and it may not be worth it.

as long as we don’t have another marl on our hands

It basically gives a person a charge of their ult that they can use

So it doesn’t take away any current charge that they have etc

My day ability also gives them ult but only for the cycle

And only on OW members and it takes effect the next cycle

My ult is instant

inb4 scum is bled to their own ability or something

/Map unvote

Could you use this as a way to cop?

Yeah that’s what i did(or tried to do on firekitten)

But scum can fake ultimates if they’re not confirmable

If somehow Ici flips town I will make 5 memes about it

I see

Well I appear to be getting at least some charges today and I’ve already been copped by FK so your day ability might be worth directing elsewhere