Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Vote Counter

Accused Voter Number Of Votes
Captain NinjaPenguin 1
NinjaPenguin BazingaBoy, Geyde 2
Insanity Sam17z, BlueStorm 2
Sam17z MaximusPrime 1
Shurian Captain, Marcus_Doodalee, Mercenary 3
None Insanity, GamerPoke, Shurian, Soulshade55r, Queen_Alfa, CheeseyKnives, 6

If the vote distribution remains the same, then by the EoD Shurian will be lynched along with NinjaPenguin, or Insanity.

Sam =/= insanity

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You have me down as voting Sam, I’m voting insanity.

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Will vote Sam if I need to today.

There are roughly 2 hours and 39 minutes until the EoD.

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@None get over here and explain why people are scumreading you

I claimed hanzo my dude. The dragons will eat my enemies

But you said you gave fire an ult, but fire never said they got an ult

Well, did I get shot by dayvig D2 or D3?

When did firekitten say they day viged you? Or is maxi lying that firekitten day viged you

I was never dayvigged.

So that means maxi didn’t give firekitten an ultimate or insanity is lying

/vote Maxi


/vote Insanity

You online @_@

I have to question you voting a locktown Maxi.

Have you even been actively reading at that point?

There is way too many vig claims… Would you rate that as a good reason to vote me?

Also the meming should have stopped a while ago.

But I was never dayvigged by FK?

I also have no ability to day vig without ultimate charge.

I feel that bazinga is directly taking advantage of the situation to mislynch me as not lot of people are active in this game