Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5


I mean, there were atleast 7-8 scum. Thats Worth for Scum, considering People were giving out Info of who they were (Im Looking at you FK)

Not really Marl took out the big players.


I saw a scum

I killed a town

Honestly I wouldn’t find him sus for pushing ult charge

More of should have validated his ult first. I didn’t know what was possible in role setups of any kind so I was wary (was like i wanna believe modpeeks exist)

Listen, it wasn’t my brightest moment I panicked when Baz said I visited blue and I didn’t have time to read the thread

he could have done that with his strongman kill without dying

Feels Good when you arent even worth using kill on


This was the worst game i have seen you play since GD and SFoL 28.

How’d I do? Looking for serious criticism.

Salt and misreads everywhere.
Crunches popcorn.

That’s over stating it, that wasn’t really bad.

My lover claim was good to get suspicion off mer

Ohhhhh, Invoker’s Symmetra. I thought he died… oh wait he did. The OP wasn’t updated… Or did he… I’m tired as shit

You did fairly well but I dont know how they managed to not attack you at all for the whole game

I Expect this to be a learning experience for everyone here btw.

They checked me early, and learned not to attack me because of it


You made me so sus of you I had to rearrange everything after you flipped town. (Bias included.)

See, I helped by charging marl taking myself that was suspcious out of the game.


You said everyone on town made major mistakes. What was mine?

Yeah, the remaining four players were


“Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor.”
You are the Overwatch Deflector!

Shuriken (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member then you can choose a player outside their wagon to kill at night.
Cyber Agility (Passive) - You will survive the first night or day kill on you.
Deflect (Day) - If any player attempts to daykill you then you will redirect their attacks back to themselves, also works on ultimates. - 2 uses.
Fan of Blades (Day) - Kills a player in broad daylight. Upon using it, your passive will be deactivated - One use.
Swift Strike (Night) - Redirects any attacks targeting you to another player. - 2 uses.

Dragon Blade (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2600 Charges
Activation Text - “竜神の剣を喰らえ

Once during the Lynch Phase, activating your ultimate will gain you two additional uses of Swift Strike, Fan of Blades will not deactivate Shuriken, and Cyber Agility will refresh.



“Justice ain’t gonna dispense itself.”
You are the Overwatch Roleblocking Day Vigilante!

Peacekeeper (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member or kill them during the previous day, you will also gain a use of Fan the Hammer.
Fan the Hammer (Day) - Silently day vigs a target during the day phase. - 1 use.
Flashbang (Night) - Occupies a player for the night. - Infinite uses.
Combat Roll (Night) - Occupies all players who visits your for the night. - 2 uses.

Deadeye (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2800 Charges
Activation Text - “It’s high noon.” - Quote up to four players.

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will mark four players. Until the end of the day you can post the message “Draw!” and ping up to two of them to day vig them. The remainder two will be occupied for the night.



“With every death, comes honor. With honor, redemption.”

You are Hanzo, the Talon Tracking Vigilante!

Storm Bow (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you will also kill who your target visits providing they do not visit a Talon Member. If you hammer an Overwatch-aligned player, the player who they’ve visited last night will also die the coming night.
Storm Arrow (Day) - The performer of tonight’s factional kill will be able to kill an additional player, does not work if Hanzo is performing the night kill. - One use.
Lunge (Day) - Prevents you from being killed during this day or the coming night. - 2 uses.
Sonic Arrow (Night) - Allows you to learn who your target visits. - Infinite uses.

Dragonstrike (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2200 Charges
Activation Text - “竜が我が敵を喰らう!” - Reply to your target.

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and kill a player at day and whoever was given their ultimate charges during the Charge Phase will die tonight, bypassing all protections.



“I’m a one-man apocalypse.”

You are Roadhog, the Talon Beguiling Godfather!

Scrap Gun (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you will also redirect your target towards you. Hammering an Overwatch-aligned player will allow you to kill an additional player the coming night.
Take a Breather (Passive) - You will be shown as an Overwatch Member to faction checks and will be immune to death at night.
Chain Hook (Night) - Redirects a player to you. - Infinite uses.

Whole Hog (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/3800 Charges
Activation Text - “Mhwehehehuh!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will be able to select two additional targets to kill tonight provided that you are performing the factional kill.