Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

You compared this game to that game however my plays were nowhere as bad as there

I had the idea that Blue was a Godfather, but I just didn’t act on it quick enough

Didn’t put into effect

Yes the hints were intentional :wink:

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I even was posting JUNK XD and about JUNK lol

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Fair enough. But, kinda disapointed in your performace. I consider you to be the best player on the forums, since RM2, cause you have a legit good town game and scary deepwolving scum game (there is a reason why you got a title for it)

Celeste for talon mvp




What planet are you on now


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Can we ban Celeste from closed setup games?

Just blacklist them from all games till they learn how to actually play right

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How can someone Learn if they are blacklisted from all games

I legit Called that Blacklisting would appear more frequently in FM games back in the summer

She has one more chance imo, in thats in Echos 2. If she gamethrows, i would push a marg blacklist for sure.

its called “rehabilitation”

They can’t learn without any games to play in.

Open setup is slightly more immune to the gamethrowing plays


We gave her 20 why one more?

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Nobody wants to be ‘that guy’

Cuz 21

I mean Eevee pulls off FPS really well in closed set up games incredibly well.

I give him mad respect.
