Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

I am gonna go take another nap y’all.

Either way, it doesn’t make too much sense for a slip like that, it doesn’t really seem to be logical if Marc is either scum or town. An invest on Marc would be needed tonight for more clear info.

We haven’t even gotten to the second stage yet lel.

Wait I’m about to answer math question however the one with the post restriction can get marl to 4800 ultimate charge I think

Depending if there is not framing of course. If Marc is scum there is a high likelihood there are countermeasures.

Actually wait. We use this map.

We then give marl charge

This is literally how we get marl to 4800 charge while we can charge other people today.



/vote Watchpoint

Lynch the scum chsck the null imo

For the Horde! - Once a player is lynched the hammerer and the second-to-last vote with both count for the eliminations and both will have their elimination passive activated.

We would be wasting the hammering passive though

you should really quote the name of the map FK :^)

Except marl gets his ultimate really quick.

/charge Marl

Also that means I can get my ult today, I’m telling you the effects will be amazing.

It’s blizer world (pun ha)

fair enough then

/charge Litten

and /map Blizzard World

also how come it’s For the Horde and not For the Alliance

Horde is better.

/Vote Bliz world


Anyways, Litten if we’re focusing on a null, I want someone to check Marcus

/Charge Litten

/Map Blizzard World

Let’s go my dudes

so do we charge firekitten or marl?