Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

There is no reason to believe someone’s ult does what they say it does on day 1

Has anyone claimed what their class/ult is yet?

I’m only claiming the charge on my ult for now

I’ll public claim if somebody sends me $50 paypal

/charge Queen_Alfa

I request to be charged

For real

Teamwork, right

And you’re denied from me for real

uncharge luxy
charge maximus
Let’s make an anti-marl/firekitten coalition

Welp I’m not helping you then


Then don’t if you don’t trust me.

I am gonna do what I think is right.

Thx baz

Maybe you’re not as bad as i thought <3

Give me charge so I can “totally teamkill”

No because I think you’re scum

We can’t stop them on our own we need to rise up against our oppressors who use their mod powers for their own benefit. This isn’t the USSR and they can’t kill me for speaking the truth

Litten isn’t mod though

But I understand what you’re trying to say

Serious question here, has anyone claimed anything at all yet?

Why am I getting charged, there’s like so many better options than me lel

FK claimed doomfist

Like me

Ew doomfist