Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Marl read further down

Eevee and you are the only ones hard out going for charges, and Eevee’s one, given how much he says it costs, kinda seems like an attempt to grab as much ultimate charges as they can

yeah i know but still
why doesn’t that sound anything like doomfist’s ulti

because it maybe isn’t and maybe is hinting at something.

How much does it costs? owo

Also, KEEP in mind.

We know if someone uses their ultimate
More then once, they have to speak text in the thread



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How do you know this?

You’re making an awful lot of claims about the mechanics versus talking reads. I don’t like it.

Nondescript message meant to fill space as the lack of complete content ruins any plans I had at making conversation

Read OP friend

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Reading sucks :confused: blah


/unvote Firekitten
/vote Eevee

It is one integer from being over 9000

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…Normally I’d jump on you for this cause that’s not normally you but you get a free pass cause you’re doped up on meds.

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are you telling me merc can let me use my ultimate today

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:man_facepalming: its not lynch phase damnit

Math, how do you feel about taking my ulti charges today?

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gimme ulti charges

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no u

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aw shit

are we all just memesky now

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