Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

No, the other best person in all realities

I don’t see anything bad about a Squid charge here. /charge Squid

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Why do you Town read squid?

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I would have everyone vote for who they wanted so we can get reads off of the votes.

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If you guys give me ult charge, I promise to do nothing productive and lead to the deaths of everybody.

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I didn’t ask how you would have people distribute their votes.

I asked you how you would distribute yours.

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Nothings really pinged me as off for her.

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But nothing makes you Town read them as well?

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literally me

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me too thanks


Right now my charge vote is on Alfa since I have a good feel about them. I’ve been getting very few town pings which is scary.

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Are there any actual events in this?

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That’s because you’re getting wolfpings instead
mathblade is this u

50$ paypal and I out myself

Nope. Sure isn’t. Looks like you got Bazinga instead.

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I s’pose that’s natural in a closed setup though.

I’m keeping mine on Marl just because I’m a risk/reward kind of person.

If their ability were to instantly wipe out like 5 or 6 town members, I feel like it would cost more than just 4500 or whatever it happened to be. Just a gut feeling.

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However it’s better to choose the map that give double the charge then vote marl and vote someone else today to get two ultimate.

I am a risk reward person too. I play poker for fun sometimes. If Marl has the nuts he will show it. I just think this hand is too rich for my blood.

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Wait is Marl the 9k ultimate?
I thought it was Eevee

(also, I totally got post 1337 5UCK 1T N3RD5)