Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Jeff Kaplan would be a Neutral Killer that’s sole goal is to nerf everyone

I’ll stop my memeing for now, have a snooze and try to put in some contribution that’s not theorising that someone’s Jeff Kaplan.

Squid if you vote me for charge you won’t regret it

It is a tough pick between an extra lynch and an IC reveal tbh

The IC reveal will never happen today and always tomorrow.

The map choice we make today can make it happen tomorrow and give us the lynch today

Ryuu ga… Waga teki wo kurau!

Alright, let’s hope it’s to good use
/charge FK

Translation please

It is Hanzo’s phrase while activating their Ultimatum
“May the dragon consume my foes”


Jeff Kaplan
Neutral Killer :star:

Money Shield (Passive) - Immune to death over making horrible balance decisions
LET’S NERF MERCY (Passive) - You will be guaranteed to never nerf what should actually be nerfed

Gather Darkness (Day) - Your next nerf will be guaranteed to cause Salt. (infinite uses, autocast)

’This game isn’t fun anymore, I’m out. This is why x game is better’ (Night) - Nerf a character. Bypasses player enjoyment immunity. (infinite uses)
Incredible PR, way better than Team 5 (Night) - No u all complaints

Your objective is to nerf every character to the point only Bastion is playable.

My first attempt at designing Jeff Kaplan as a FoL class. Please give feedback, casue I will definitely listen.


I’m here wassup

also no I’m not hanzo

Vote me for charge

Damn it hanzo you have 6% accuracy stop

Vote Eevee because they have a +9k ult

Charge me senpais for more enjoyable game

Also wait lemme see the maps

Nah wait dont i dont need ult charge

Holy shit whats with 9k ult charge?

Basically eevee is eevee, however voting me gives us another lynch.

But then u prolly ded the next day if u town

but then we got another lynch?