Paint Your Mafia… Mafia: Electric Boogaloo - Night 4 - Town wins!

I’m awkward.

I’m haven’t solved the game

I don’t sound like SFoL 67

Meta reasons

Etc. Etc.

Do I get cookie?

Just type ** /vote X ** without spaces, and ping one of the hosts!

follow these intructions


@AnthemBell This means the vote ethier ends when someone has a simple majority, or whoever has most at EoD

Lazy VC 1.1

voted voters count
Intensify Kanave, appelsiini 2/9
Eli Eli 1/9
Zone Intensify 1/9

Begrudgingly, yes. Which one do you think it is?

hallo hallo peoples


This one

You’re comparing my opener to SFoL 67 I assume and see that I’m not acting like how I was there, I’m gonna assume.

ill take this one for the cookie :^)

Currently busy with something.
Won’t be able talk much for 30 minutes or so.

brb playing terrarria

Don’t steal my answers : /



You’re all nerds

I have no idea what happened in SFoL 67 or who was in it

Intensify’s reaction is p NAI so far


1 Like

/vote Emilia @Mercenary


Bruh moment weren’t you one of the spectators.


Lazy VC 1.2

voted voters count
Eli Eli 1/9
Emilia Kanave 1/9


im gonna do funnies this game