Patch v2.6.0b - Icons revamp, Class Fixes, Stats

“Changed Probe Icon” Intensifies

Yes. I made that joke again. Im totally original.

Can we get a link to all the image files?


We’ll give them out to some people when the update is off testing to update the wiki and all that stuff.


Why take away the offline greyed out? Best thing to be added to the game since Alchemist 4 potions and multiple Hunters in the same patch (RIP, awesome changes) :slight_smile:

Aight cool, that was my intention, the wiki.

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If this is about the possibility of metagaming, I could find a workaround to keep the feature, but in a way that can’t be metagamed.

Alive players would only see alive players that have left (not counting reaped).
Dead players would see both alive and dead players that left.

It was brought up a while ago, when I added the feature, but we had more serious issues at the time, than the possibility of metagame. Now that a big number of bugs is fixed, I could remove the metagamability of that.


Alpha >> Beta testing

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Beta Testing >> Live (Release Candidate)


EDIT: Reverted - back to testing.

We really need a gameplay update soon

These are all gameplay [beyond lobby] updates. Balance, you mean? New balance updates are pointless if core class bugs exist. In itself, it is balance since abilities will actually do what they say they’re supposed to do. We just added new mechanics [that should’ve existed, but didn’t] to about 10+ abilities!

Balance Changes

  • Observer/Princess night abils now show feedback upon converting! They can now finish their ability to get extra investigative info, giving an advantage to the Unseen.
  • Redirecting additionally shows feedback, allowing better strategy next day.
  • Suicide announcement is no longer seen by the King.
  • Reaper’s abilities consume less souls, buffing him.
  • Sellsword has less chance to win since can’t win with BD.
  • Nosy Servants - new ability since it now works!

…The list goes on. Heck, Nosy Servants and some Reaper abils didn’t work at all. We can’t leave these kinds of bugs. Since I’m the only full-time dev, bug fixes are essential to progress the game, while balance before bug fixes only stirs a dirty bucket of water around. It’s not as exciting as new forms of balance, but it’s essential to the game’s stability to first knock these out.


Class fixes are balance changes. If abils didn’t do what they said they’d do, it’s like adding completely new abilities once they are fixed. Or, at least, adding additional mechanics to them.


Does this mean that Cult can’t suicide in their games?


  • Suicide announcement is no longer seen by the King.

People actually tried to use this ability?

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Yes, I did use it a couple times.

Release candidate for v2.6.0b due later today in off-peak


Release candidate being set live within the next few minutes!

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Adding WIP known bugs for next hotfix


Here’s the irony. We changed most all icons except Probe!

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