People Who Are Missed Because They Went Missing

@Nerbins @Sam17z got third in the world




Flex all you want, if you had gotten more unlucky with the weather actually I guess weatherā€™s a part of solar car racing you know what I take it back keep flexing


We got hit by a willy willy (small tornado)

Thatā€™s the worst possible luck

We just built a car specifically designed to tank winds and keep going

I meant you got lucky with the weather cuz other racers hit cloudy patches their cars couldnā€™t handle, right?

No it was cloudy for us too

Anyone else who hit more clouds failed to account correctly for the weather

Predicting and planning for clouds is literally part of the race


Yeah I realized that halfway through writing the first post, and I said in the post before this one

Iā€™m saying your high place in the race was warranted cuz you accounted for the weather and built your car as such, and were lucky that your opponents didnā€™t account for that weather well enough. Sorry for not getting that across clearer.

Nah you cool lol

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What nerbins is trying to say is you got third place and not first get good


Wait what no



someones getting banned

:eyes: Not me.

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Oh? Whatā€™s that Nerbins? You also want to say orange is a bad human being?

Jeez nerbins thatā€™s pretty harsh, even for you

You canā€™t do that.

Do what?

ā€œGuess whoā€™s back
Back againā€


and now that I have more then like 2 games under my belt, (16+mafia champs+3 modded games), Iā€™m ready to come back and put up an actual fight

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The Hidden God stood in your way.

So if there is a game coming up anyone recommends, Iā€™d love an invite.

Iā€™d also extend a welcome for any of you to join us on Chief Delphi for a game ill be hosting in about a week. Let me know if youā€™d be interested.

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