People Who Are Missed Because They Went Missing

@sulit you should swap to your CDFM name so we can all sing hjasik’s praises and forget you existed

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who’s sulit, never heard of them


> treating Emilia as not my friend

r u d e


> treating yourself as a person


jk merc jk :kissing_heart:

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Ik who even is real like im betting all of you guys are bots

I am Priestessbot. I got programmed by Kape. How may I help you?


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I’m pretty sure Emilia isn’t missing.

I don’t see her tho

But I miss her




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Emilia isn’t missing lol.


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just want to be clear i do check the forums when updates are out but my main reason for no longer posting ive really grown annoyed at some forums people


Who are you



I had a lot of IRL stuff come up that I had to turn my attention to as well as finding other interests. There was this turbo mafia game that came out that I played for around a year and I’m still in touch with some people who were prominent in the ranked community.

If you were to think of all the reasons why people leave this forum, procrastination, taking up too much time etc, I think all social deduction games have this problem. What that means is simply you will burn yourself out from it if you do it too much.

Right now I’ve moved back home and I’ve gotten into Bridge and I’m really enjoying it, safe to say I won’t be playing FM anytime soon, save for a mountainous if one comes up wink