Personality test megathread

83% narcissism which is double the average americans

i can tell its accurate by the fact that im kinda proud of it


I score 36/42 on this test

can you beat me

Hell yes.

oh boy i should excel here


i answered “never true” to 0 questions btw

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okay I’m going to be honest I wasn’t expecting that

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I got 27

hard 14

fuckin nerds

get social skills

well ive been diagnosed i just don’t talk about it

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I Know That Feeling

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after many years ive gotten okay at hiding it

but its still there

i guess if you can pass as functioning it means you are functioning in a way though :eyes:


Also I’m consistently like 93% or more -A

Surprising literally nobody and especially not @Arete

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imagine being E or A

this post made by… introverts everywhere :eyes:

(okay i know they’re not directly correlated but i score like 95% introvert most of the time so i don’t think being assertive is my strong suit)


With pleasure

I can be there in 5 hours

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you’ll probably win, I have no upper-body strength

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also arete was this post directed at me specifically or in general

one flatters me and the other makes you a nerd

link this test


Gotta prove that every one of my letters is better than every one of yours