Personality test megathread

its the murderous villans one

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perks of being a part of the i42 community

i donā€™t think obama is on that test lul


is he?

Oh gosh thereā€™s so many personality tests to take I gotta catch up lmao

I score higher than most of my friends! which is unsurprising given the whole ā€˜actually being autisticā€™ thing

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get owned nerd

wait this isnt really a battle i want to win

take it back

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im pretty sure the only reason i even got the 13 was because i hard agreed with ā€œi would be more offended if a gay person hit on me then a straight oneā€ cuz if a straight person hit on me then thank god

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Ey ISFP where ya at

side note why are all the scores between 50 and 60%

but what if itā€™s a very confused straight dude

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are they really straight at that point

the answer is no

unless i grew my hair out really long and started speaking in a higher pitch


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the traits i look for in a partner test

:eye: :eye:



as someone who has passed as both genders

ive been hit on by straight people of both genders

its kinda fun :eyes:

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This is actually true