Personality test megathread

I’m altruistic as hell, but that’s coming from my lawful side O_o
I help people and even risk myself for it because it is the right thing to do
To improve society. So we can be a good community I’m feeling comfortable being part of.
I’m helping because it is my duty to do so. It is our all duty.


I think the most fun alignment to play in regards to FoL is Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil. Chaotic Alignments are taxing on a player.

I’m forever chaotic

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Pfft. Fuck what society thinks, do good because its the right thing to do. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m probably one of the most extreme lawful people you have ever met. :eyes:
I adore good people, but for anyone else there are the chains of the law, which is forcing us to treat each other rightfully

Here is how to tell if you’re Lawful Good or Neutral Good: If you see a young child getting beaten for stealing bread because he was starving, what do you do @anon97870008?

Again, fuck authority.

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I’d be the one enforcing it.

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Lawful Neutral response.

Borderline Lawful Evil if the child almost dies.

I’d probably just ignore it and keep walking

I’d help him tho afterwards to find a way to earn money himself

Also Lawful Neutral response.

Lawful Neutral.

I swear most of the things I answered aren’t actually evil they’re just self preservation

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Country gets the plague?

Stay and help? No what
Flee? Yeah, of course

Most people aren’t in the evil spectrum. I doubt you are.

Self preservation is neutral, not evil. Evil would be actively damaging others for your own preservation

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Flee is more a Chaotic Neutral response IMO.

Chaotic Evil would be harassing the plague and unleashing it in a different country.