PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

Official Votecount

Voted Voter Votes
Eli Jane, Alice 2/7
Jane clonedcheese 1/7
Marl Emilia 1/7
min Zone 1/7
Emilia Night 1/7
Not Voting Eli, Silviu, Luxy, pigeon, min, gorta, Marl 7

reminder that, for a vote to be counted, you must ping both hosts

W/e, just read people and stop talking about your check.

Pushing Marl because you claim to be a day parity cop that can check three people at once isā€¦ really reeking of a bad faith push.


oh alright

Why is it immediately marl though?

Because he is Marl

Which makes it even more pointless as Marlā€™s fairly polarized.

On one hand, I see content. (Alice vs Emilia)
On the other hand, I like neither of those content.
Iā€™ll just keep sitting on min instead. Itā€™s comfy here.


wdym u donā€™t like the content

wait rly

ā€¦not exactly polarized, but Marlā€™s basically known as the guy who can obvtown himself instantly on MU.

What about Eli?

i personally wouldnt say i know at all how to read marl

Emilia has checks, and pushes on them.
Alice metareads Emilia as odd / not towny, because sheā€™s not shitposting.

I donā€™t trust early checks. It smells like an agenda to get peopleā€™s reads rather than an actual check.
I donā€™t trust metareads. Period. Never liked 'em.

Wowā€¦ he is literally me!

ā€¦? What about him?
I recall him getting a wagon of three already, but IDK how the heck that happened or why.

ā€“perhaps I should check that out.

Canā€™t get earlier than an SoD check.

Their toneā€™s still shit.

its not really a metaread
theyve done nothing of value despite talking a lot of ā€œcontentā€

and even again

  1. if theyre villa theres a decent chance the result was messed up in some way

ā€¦You dislike both of these but want to stay on me instead?