PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

he already outed what he did?

this is literally outing he was tracker

why did you ask to begin with?

In Wazza’s defense, there’s no demerits in asking once you self-outed what your claim.

because I was wondering if you targeted me, you were very targeted on my slot.

fair I guess

ill read thread at osme ponit in tim
:pensive: :sob:

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Cloned dying is weird

I think Eli is just a wolf now

Tbh I’m not really seeing wolf gorta here

@Wazza did Alice let you know where she was at before she subbed out?

I don’t think I’m even cleared yet

I uh, can’t comment on this for angleshooting reasons.

Did she have reads in the rolecard is what I mean

I got put into a completely new rolecard


So I have no idea, can’t help ya there.

I can see wolf equity in a Jane/Eli team

This feels like a perspective slip

Normally its something I’d look past but it feels artificial