PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

uh hi im here

let me shore up my read on gorrta rq


Wazza readlist based

solid poe


except silv

u null town silv anyway so maybe its just tiered

I think silv is just town

mechanically even

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not like green checked but
the bleed and then sugma leads me to believe they aren’t lying

why did everyone leave

okay but the SH manual actually came in handy this time because I actually got to play it
the game was a crapfest but we don’t talk about that

i gained nothing from backreading btw

15 minutes or so down the drain

You don’t have to ping misty

Would you like to see one

mc game silv wolfed

they rwstfo’d upon gaining pressure

gorta w → eli w
i got sort of distracted nya :pensive:


scumteam looks so easy which is


i thought they subbed out for school reasons?

time to do more shenanigans to try to self-pres