PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

im awake nowze

Eli pidge gorta looks way 2 easy to be the scum team so idk about that one

Y e s

Min, you are being accused that you use this platform more to make everyone think you’re innocent than just being your regular chatty self.


what lol

ive been asleep idk why people are getting on my ass for that

…eh, I can live with this.

/unvote @Aelin
/vote thepigeonnyc @Aelin

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@Aelin @Mistyx

lol anyways

What do you think of your fellow Dutchman?

you didn’t ping both hosts

lol pidge wagon

/vote pigeon @aelin @Mistyx

Do you think pigeon is detrimental to the town?

I don’t need to either:

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I guess Mistyx is currently not applicable?


just looks kinda promising compared to Elis wagon considering people just sat on it all day and did nothing lol

might be indicative of a power wolf or something. might have to do more reevaling

this is primarily if Eli is V btw if he’s w then well pogger

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Half of me just wants to flip him so we can see whether or not Alice is a wolf

Eli are you going to do that ISO on that bird.

Not to be confused with Dart Board


id like u to elaborate