Pokèmon 9er - Uninformed Spec Chat

i cant tell if silvius claim is fake or not because he felt pure as shit but i dont believe its a doctor and BG

i want cheese to be real because i PR read him like 3 posts in

but hes prob just a wolf

…wolf PR :joy_cat:

Silviu died D1

BG/Tracker and Doctor/Tracker are both super busted in a 9er if the N1 track hits a wolf/a wolf dies D1

i mixed up my newbies

i don’t view them as equal value to me as i am a toxic forumer

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i feel like you’re trying to tell me something but this is uninformed chat

Arete aint a fuckin idiot





is cheese actual bg claim or

Cuz like
I havent read this day so im relying on my katze messenger

arctic claimed tracker
cheese claimed bg
kiro claimed doc

this the scumteam tbh

bg/doc9 would plausibly be a setup that fits the theme but it sounds super townsided regardless so im assuming both wolves are in pr claims or one is stupid fps glgl

Cheese is NOT A WOLF!!!

No wolf cheese!!



I will accept arctic as a wolf

Why is windward existing if he claimed tracker at sod and theres a cc

Is this wowee central

wait wouldnt bg/doc healing circle be literally unkillable lol

Kiro fakeclaim

Or cheese lied bc bg is stupid
I dont really think kiro fakeclaimed and i think both kiro and cheese are town

So like
Maybe cheese is an investigative which is why he was all “yo windward why r u scum. o lol scum have a framer then”

But idk!!

I have a consumef a lot of sugar help

im making a high level angleshooty read

appel/gorta/cheese contains exactly 1 wolf

and its appel

If its in those 3

Its allel yes



So answer me why is windward alive did she retract

theres only 1 tracker claim i might have mixed up who did what

I need gorta to bigbrain setup spec and figure out this rand isnt plausible

Ok yes windward claimed tracker at start of day i defo read that

And windward is WOLF
because i fuckin say so