Pokemon BTM 2 - Bugs catch up to everyone someday (CP 3) 7/16

Oi Mole what happens if i lose

You become a valid target for Magmortar

OH GOD the insta kill ;(

Can’t we vote to kill a person who lost a challenge too? :thinking:

Not first cycle

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So basically… I would have to win this… fuhhhh

Inb4 you’re bluffing and are Tsareena


Im sadly not that pokemon… im closer to the middle…

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That cant win anything

student hype?

Errr what?


/challenge Whammerist to contest

Everyone fiteee meee

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its closer to the contest line so Ill go with contests

I’ll assume thats a deny so Whamm is probably Magmortar

Deli :b: irb

I was close ok