Pokemon BTM 2 - Bugs catch up to everyone someday (CP 3) 7/16

Since you are both online, I’m only gonna give you five and half hours more @PokemonKidRyan @MaximusPrime

Hey guys I’m Wobuffet what’s up

I’ll /noswitch cause whatever. Not like I’m trying (or even going) to win

Switch with Jessie

Actions are now locked. Stand by

As the remaining trainers were about to put their pokeballs away to heal them up, a gang of Team Rocket grunts burst in. After a few moments of confusion, a few Pokemon were missing…


The Eevee guessed Trainer Sam as The Chatot. He was incorrect.
The Rowlet and DFL guessed Trainer Sam as the Tsareena. They were correct

After the dust settled, those remaining placed their pokeballs in the machine. Almost instantly, sparks started flying…


Jessie was glitched by the Rotom!

It is now Challenge Phase 3


You’re next.
Mark my words

I got officer Jenny, Mole, so I am still alive with my role revealed to all. Thanks.


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To be honest Nerbins, up to Mole now…

Recent BtM had a fuck up when someone had the same things and died when they were not supposed to, but the mod said sorry, but no can do.

Mole, I know you’re here. Your choice.

Oh, it’s gone now! Huh! Whaddya know!

You’ll get a free officer Jenny this phase, psycho will be given a reserve, my bad


You know who you remind me of?


Everyone challenge ryan get him out!! Now I got to Jenny every night so thanks


You’re dead.

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Your ded

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Mag, PM me. We’ll make an alliance.

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I had this game I no thought ebb bag though.

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Jenny should not be one time use though.

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