Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

  • As Connor approached, the seat next to Sammy was taken by a girl with a Rowlet.
  • A girl sat next next Sammy. It was the one he had bumped into earlier. She wasn’t paying attention to him.

(F### You)


(I have a counter plan!)

Connor went to sit next to the girl with the rowlet, it was only 1 seat away from Sammy the boy he briefly saw at the community kitchen.
Connor had also considered bribing the girl to move

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Although considering he’d only briefly seen the boy at the community kitchen, spending money only to talk to him would’ve seemed like a waste

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(I wanna sit close to him because he’s the only real player that’s active, you can relate can’t you? Hopefully)

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(Also Magnus! You not a real player! DirectorHail regretted what he just said, he was probably going to receive alot of Inconvenience for that)

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  • Psyduck tripped back down the stairs.

(Wait how do i start)

(also sorry for late start, had a ton of hw my mom made me do before i could do other shit)

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(In your home, or going to school)

Erika, sitting in front of Connor turns around towards them and looks them deeply into eyes

Connor was scared, he couldn’t help but feel Erika was a person of great power!
Connor said “Ummmmm hi, my Psyduck fell down the stairs I gotta Run”
Connor walked down to the stairs to help Psyduck, despite saying he would run.

Erika chased after Connor

“Our eyes has met! That means we have to battle!”

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Connor felt like he was being chased by a goddess female god, he needed to defuse the situation!

(Just to make you rage :slight_smile: )

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(Fine then! I’ll change it!)


(^ Erika rn)


Sammy merely looked amused.

When running past Sammy says

“Hi! I like shorts! They’re easy and comfy to wear!”

and disapears in doors, chasing Connor

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