Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

Sammy looked startled. He turned to look at Magnus, the boy with the Pikachu, who was sitting a few chairs in front of him.
“Do you know who that was?” He asked.

  • To Sammy’s surprise, Magnus was grinning. “I do,” he said.
  • Connor tripped over his Psyduck and fell to the ground.

Sammy looked back at him. “Oh really?”

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(I’m literally every NPC in pokemon games so far.

2019, colorized).

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(OMG it’s that person you see once for a side mission!)

  • Magnus shrugged. “You wouldn’t believe me.”


  • Manthis woke up. Looking at the clock, it read 8:50, ten minutes until the school started. Pancham was asleep.


  • Whimsicott nudged Kiran awake. Looking at the clock, it was ten minutes until the Training School officially began.

Manthis quickly woke up and got ready for school. “Oh no, I’m going to be late” she said to herself. She left her house and started running to school

  • Manthis arrived with two minutes to spare. After consulting the boy with the file — class V — she went into the auditorium.

The curse of inconvenience has manifested within Connor, this was going to be a very difficult roleplay to participate in

Manthis looked around for people

Connor got back up on his feet, he checked his pockets to see if he still had his money.

  • Manthis noticed James sitting close to the front, and Sammy sitting further back, talking to the Pikachu boy. The Psyduck boy was standing on the stairs, talking to a girl with an Eevee,
  • Connor had his money.

Connor picked up his Psyduck as he walked up the stairs.
(But knowing Magnus, Connor assumed something tragic would happen, He was asking for it)

  • A sinkhole opened beneath Connor and he fell down, and neither he or his Pokémon were ever seen again.

(Lol, okay but I’ve had enough inconveniences, PLEASE JUST LET MEH SIT DOWN)

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Connor took a seat closest to Sammy the boy he briefly saw at the community kitchen, completely ignoring the girl that was Challenging him.

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(Here comes the pain! She’s replying!)

Are you and your pokemon alright?
That fall looked kinda dangerous.

Girl shows next to Connor

Connor was pleasantly surprised by the girl’s reaction
Connor calmly said, “Ummm yeah I’m alright. My Psyduck here is rather clumsy, and today has been nothing but bad luck for me but you know, what can you do about it?”
Connor introduced himself.
“I’m Connor, and this here is well… Psyduck!”