Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

Gives a hand to help Connor get up

Name is Erika, me and my partner Celebi are trying to be best trainers in world of Pokemon!

(In challenge science gtg)

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Sammy went over to Erika and Connor. He stifled a chuckle. “You buddies now?” He asked. “Seconds go you looked ready to kill eachother.”

"Oh hi!

You are that boy who looks like they like shorts too! We should go shopping together!

Name is Erika btw."

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(Remember to include “”)

“Want to battle me and my Celebi?”

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(Is your Eevee in or out of a ball?)

(In a ball)

Sammy shrugged. “I’d love to,” he said with a pained smile. “But the presentation is about to begin.”

"We could always skip it and have fun together.

Just us 3!"

Sammy was considering it. “I suppose one day is fine,” he said finally. “I just better go get Eevee first.”

Sammy went up the stairs and picked up his Eevee.
“I really should name you,” he said to her. “I’ll think about it.”
He returned to where Connor and Erika were standing.

(I can play while I’m waiting for my mixture to melt but excuse me if I’m inactive suddenly.)


Connor was considering Psyduck’s wellbeing
“Is it really okay to skip?”

"Awww comeon Connor, it will be fun.

Besides, you wouldn’t let weak girl like me, to go alone with other boy, whom they just met, would you?"

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  • As if from nowhere, Magnus materialised, stepping between the group and the exit. “Oh no,” he said, shaking his head. Pikachu was on his shoulder, looking at Psyduck. “Oh no,” Magnus repeated. “There’s no way i’m letting you ditch, Erika. That’s what I would do.”
    He looked at Connor with a look of recognition. Then he turned to Sammy and groaned. “Of course it’s you three, not Mark or even Gwen.”

Connor noticed the kid, it was the kid who saved him from the bullies
“Oh it’s good to… suddenly see you, I never got your name…”

Sammy looked Magnus in the eye; an unspoken challenge.
“It’s fine,” he reasoned. “The first day’ll be orienteering or something.”

  • Magnus shrugged. “While that’s probably true, you still want to stick around for the Presentation. Besides,” he said, looking at Erika. “Mother’ll be disappointed if you ditch.”

Erika’s voice turned stone cold


Hello brother, always poking your nose into my buisness."