Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

Sammy looked reproachful. “What did you call me?” He snorted.

Connor quickly got up, “Oh No no no! Now my clothes are drenched!” Connor walked back inside with frustration.

Manthis walks closer to the Eevee kid. “Sorry, I don’t exactly know your name. I’m Manthis, what is your name?” Manthis asks.

Connor noticed that he was still in his PJ’s, “Or maybe this was lucks way of letting me know to get changed.”

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  • Manthis and James took a seat by Sammy.

Sammy took a moment. “Sammy.”

“You are a student too, right?” Manthis asks while going over to the food

“Yes I am,” Sammy said. “Unless you’re talking about something different to I.”

Connor stood back up and rushed back to his room to quickly dry off and change clothes. “Ahhh man everyone’s going to be gone by the time I get there.”

  • Psyduck ‘convinced’ Connor to come outside.

Sammy looked at the two kids sitting at the table with him. “I don’t know who you are,” he said.

Connor turned back to look at Psyduck, Connor felt a rush of guilt surge through his body. “Ohhhhh, he’s so cute! But I need to get changed.” Connor continued running back to his room as his Shouted at Psyduck Calmly instructed Psyduck to stay.

(If Magnus decides to include crossed out actions RIP my sanity)

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  • James nodded to Sammy. “I’m James Cascade,” He said. “And— oh, crap.” He seemed to be looking at the front doors of the kitchen.
  • Psyduck waited for Connor.

After Connor changed clothes he ran to the front door, and then carefully stepped outside the building towards Psyduck. “Wouldn’t want to slip again hey pal?” Psyduck looked at Connor with a confused look
“Yeah… you can’t speak English.” Connor instructed Psyduck to follow as he made his way over to the kitchen.

  • Connor walked into the kitchen, bumping into the boy who had just come in. He had a Fletchinder on his shoulder. He spun around, sneering at Connor.

Connor stepped back before Apologising, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Based off the sneer Connor assumed social interaction wasn’t the right move
Connor walked forwards the counter to get something to eat.

Sammy watched, ready to jump in if things escalated.

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  • The boy grinned before grabbing Connor by the shoulder. “You have a Psyduck?” He snorted in laughter. “That’s gotta be a joke, right? Psyduck is useless.”
  • James looked at the confrontation. “That’s Alec Ardere,” He said distastefully.

“Ardere? That literally means fire, doesn’t it?” Sammy pushed himself up into a standing position. He strode over towards Alec and Connor.